Thursday, August 30, 2007

Back To School Fool!

This has been the most FU'ed summer of all time. If I sound depressed it's because... I am depressed. Things have NOT gone well. I guess I should have been writing about the HORRIBLE events of this DREADFUL summer, and maybe that would have helped me. But it's too late now.

I am going to remember this summer like it's a natural disaster. I'll call it Ed Avery's Crappy Life and Times '07. Seven is supposed to be a lucky number, right? Not for me!

I don't know if I continue this thing, or what the point is anyway. I guess I need to do something new with my students this year, however. We had some meeting about how we have to spend a certain amount of class time using electronic media. I pointed out that that means a certain amount of class time LESS with books and papers. That comment was greeted with nothing but squinty eyed disapproval. Oh, well, OK then! I'll get my students to do BLOGS! I'll let them write nasty comments about Mr. Carver, the principal. NO PAL OF MINE! And I'll use this one as an example, so the kids won't think I just logged onto a computer for the first time yesterday.

Yes, it's back to school time, and... OK. Maybe I'll relate the heinous events of the summer... but later!

Ed (better off dead) Avery