Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Chrismas Everyone!

That is a joke, writing this note to myself only as I have snuck away from the family activities for a moment to the computer. I am a little drunk already this morning. I know I'm not supposed to drink with this new medication, but it's ChRIstmas after all. I love my wife and my kids, and I love my job, I really do. But I love the Christmas break more than anything. And there is someone else I love, but I cannot talk about her here, not even here in my private journal, because it seems too dangerous! But I have to tell someone. It is driving me crazy. I am in love again, and I never thought that would happen! And I am happy for the first time in years. In years! Everyone can tell that I am happy and they are happy for me! But if they knew WHY I was happy, they would not be so happy. Happy happy happy happy is that all anyone cares about? It is all relative and fleeting anyway, and an illusion and a lie. But it's all we look for. The spiritual, ha! That is just another way of trying to find happiness.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Changed settings!

Okay, it's taken me awhile to get started, mostly because I wanted to change the settings of this thing from "public" to "private." What I am intending is just for me, only (which is a relief, because I don't have to worry about how boring I am!) (nor spelling, yea!). I'm just not ready to write something like this for the "world" to see. (as if!) (I never use those kinds of expressions, what am I, reverting to a teen-ager?) Anyway, hopefully I've changed the settings of this so no one but me can see it. I'll check later to make sure. But if by some error in my technical ability (admittedly, lacking) you out there (whoever your are!) can read this, PLEASE email me at Ed Avery-- --and I'll make the needed changes. Thanks!

Monday, December 4, 2006

Introduction to Too Much Johnsonville

Hi, Ed Avery here. I'm starting one of these on-line journals on the advice of a certain doctor, to tell the truth, who also insists that I tell the truth, though he doesn't want me naming him by name. So I'll just refer to him as a certain doctor. Personally, I don't see the difference from writing something in a notebook from doing this, but I guess this might be more fun, in that it's published on the World Wide Web (!big deal) and also I can include photos, which appeals to me-- as something of a photography buff. Anyway, it promises to be kind of fun, and (hopefully) therapeutic, and my doctor can watch my progress, and well, here goes!

I'm calling this Too Much Johnsonville because my family and I live in the small town of Johnsonville, Wisconsin. And I mean small! The joke is, there is NOT too much of Johnsonville! But more on that later. More on my town, my job, and my family, later. Hey, this is pretty easy, and it's fun, after all. I hope it works!