Monday, December 4, 2006

Introduction to Too Much Johnsonville

Hi, Ed Avery here. I'm starting one of these on-line journals on the advice of a certain doctor, to tell the truth, who also insists that I tell the truth, though he doesn't want me naming him by name. So I'll just refer to him as a certain doctor. Personally, I don't see the difference from writing something in a notebook from doing this, but I guess this might be more fun, in that it's published on the World Wide Web (!big deal) and also I can include photos, which appeals to me-- as something of a photography buff. Anyway, it promises to be kind of fun, and (hopefully) therapeutic, and my doctor can watch my progress, and well, here goes!

I'm calling this Too Much Johnsonville because my family and I live in the small town of Johnsonville, Wisconsin. And I mean small! The joke is, there is NOT too much of Johnsonville! But more on that later. More on my town, my job, and my family, later. Hey, this is pretty easy, and it's fun, after all. I hope it works!

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