Monday, December 18, 2006

Changed settings!

Okay, it's taken me awhile to get started, mostly because I wanted to change the settings of this thing from "public" to "private." What I am intending is just for me, only (which is a relief, because I don't have to worry about how boring I am!) (nor spelling, yea!). I'm just not ready to write something like this for the "world" to see. (as if!) (I never use those kinds of expressions, what am I, reverting to a teen-ager?) Anyway, hopefully I've changed the settings of this so no one but me can see it. I'll check later to make sure. But if by some error in my technical ability (admittedly, lacking) you out there (whoever your are!) can read this, PLEASE email me at Ed Avery-- --and I'll make the needed changes. Thanks!

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