Wednesday, July 3, 2013

I'm Back!

OK, first of all I'm not a stalker, I'm not dangerous, and personally, I don't even think I'm annoying.

My ex, however, had a different view on this matter.

My ex (was) dating a person whom shall go unnamed, though is a member of the local constabulary.

Add it all up, and Ed Avery is sleeping on a ratty bunk in the lockup, for WAY too long. The ironic thing is they don't even serve Johnsonville sausage in there, but rather Burger King. If anyone ever tries to make me eat Burger King again, they'll have to lock me up for real.

Anyway, the good thing is I got some state paid for dental work, didn't have to pay rent for nearly a year, and they hooked me up with a job program which is about the ONLY way you're going to get work around here if you're not "in" with J-ville... or fetching enough to sleep your way to a favor.

The worst thing about jail, at least this one (low key and quiet) is NO internet. I'm sure my loyal readers (there's got to be one, right, no... OK)... So no one missed me. That's humbling.

so anyway, for what it's worth... I'm back.

Ed Avery

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