Friday, December 12, 2008

The Crapola Enonomy Hits Johnsonville

Ed Avery certainly not one to ignore a blessing in disguise is back on the blogging saddle, folks. A quick rundown: what with the encroaching economic crisis, I was forced to double my classload during the last year or so, and that along with my divorce proceedings, while still trying to make a decent and sane homelife for the kids (at least a weekend homelife) has kept me pretty much absent from the information highway, much less the blogosphere. But the most recent development has found me out cold on my ass, as an incompetent substitute teacher, being paid the equivalent of minimum wage takes over my beloved pupils and their fragile futures. Well, truth be told, I couldn't stand the brats, and finding myself able to live off of my unemployment (in my new bachelor pad) with the bare necessities (a nightly sixpack of cheapo depression brew--which has made Milwaukee famous), ESPN, and a couch. And a laptop and a fairly decent Internet connection by which I now reach you the faithful reader. Though, really, if there are any readers left, out there, of this pathetic tome, after all this time, you seriously must consider finding help, counselling, a new hobby, yes... a life. On the other hand, rock on, friend!

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